Finding Discord bots doesn’t have to be difficult. While trying to source the best bot can seem like that, there are a whole plethora of bot listings available, which help you easily find the exact bot you’re looking for. These listings not only have great search functionality but can also filter and categorise bots according to a variety of sections, including general purpose, moderation, fun and more. When I’m looking for new ways to help enhance my servers, I usually have a go-to list of sites, and I’ll be publishing this today, along with my detailed reviews of each, so you can find the listing site most tailored to your needs. We’re going to take a look at some of these listings today, let’s get started!

1. makes it super easy to find the Discord bots most suited to what you’re looking for. With a built-in voting system as well as tags and filtering by category, you’re sure to find the right bots for you. For example, if you’re looking for a helpful moderation bot, simply click on the “Moderation” category just underneath the search bar, and you’ll find a great listing of moderation bots, sorted by the most popular. If you’re looking for music bots, there’s also a category for that. Other categories include:

New Bots Economy Fun Meme

and many more! You can explore the full list of categories and tags by clicking on the “Explore Tags” button just underneath the search bar.

2. Bots on Discord

This site is great for having a streamlined user experience and overall design too. With a similar category/tagging system, bots are categorised accordingly and you can peruse bots in each category by clicking on the relevant categories underneath the search bar. If you have a specific category in mind, remember to also browse the listing’s most popular bots also, as you may find other cool bots to add to your server also. For example, if you’re trying to find a moderation bot, don’t just limit your search to this, as the site might feature other cool general-purpose bots that might catch your eye! If you’re searching for a specific bot by name (such as the popular Dyno bot) and just want an invite to that bot, you can also just type its name into the search bar and you’ll be able to see all returned results.

3. Discord Bot List

Discord Bot List is one of my favourite listings, for its great easy-to-use interface! You can browse a huge range of bots, and each bot gets its own graphic, leading to eye-catching visuals and great advertising of bots overall! With a lovely dark scheme, this bot listing also has a voting mechanism, to allow the best bots to naturally rise to the top over time. Some of the most popular bots on this site include DankMemer and ZeroTwo, with thousands of votes being cast for these bots. Thanks to a voting mechanism like this, you can be sure that many others have also made use of the bot and give it their approval, meaning you can trust the bot pretty much and know that others have given their stamp of approval too! If you’re hoping to add your own bot to a listing, focusing on the main graphic is essential to its success, so remember to think about that also when creating materials.

Discord List

Discord List is another fantastic listing, which features the latest bots to try out, along with a voting system. It’s one of my favourites from this list, and one I’ve recently discovered, so as a Discord server owner myself, I will definitely be making use of this! This site features an incredibly intuitive user interface, which makes it quick and easy to find and discover the latest bots. You can search for these via the search bar, or through selecting on the various categories too. This site also includes bot packs, which group a user’s favourite bots together. If you’re just starting a server and want to add a lot of functionality quickly (such as having a moderation system, a way to view server stats, and so forth), then I’d recommend perusing the various packs to see which you’d be interested in. This would be incredibly useful for new server owners who need to add various different bots to their site and would like the essential ones grouped into one pack. One bot pack I’d recommend is the “Essentials” pack, which groups important bots that every new server would need. I’d definitely recommend this site if you wish to add further functionality to your server, as it contains a fantastic selection of bots to choose from, with an incredibly intuitive search system that makes it quick and easy to find the best Discord bots to add to your server.

5. Discord Extreme List

Discord Extreme List is a fantastic bot and server directory. With a stunning user interface, they make browsing for bots and servers a breeze! Each bot can easily be invited to your server with a simple click, but if you’d like more information on the bot first, just click the “View” button, which will allow you to see details pertaining to the bot and its features, plus usage. Other relevant links to the bot’s website and support server are also available too, which I’ve always found quite useful!

Why Add Bots?

Bots can truly enhance your Discord experience, so make sure to take the time to explore the variety of bots out there. There are a great variety of bots available, from general-purpose bots to media bots and so much more. If you want to see more types of bots you could potentially add to your server, check out this list I wrote on Discord bot ideas. There are several advantages to adding bots to your server, including the following:

Bots can help make your server more active. There are several bots out there that provide experience points, and rewards levels, leading to a more active server overall. Bots can help you moderate your server. Bots can purge spam messages and remove any unwanted spam from new members, so they can be a great help in moderating your server! Welcome your users with bots! While a personal welcome is a great way to welcome new users, if your server is inundated with new users and you can’t simply welcome them all, then you can automate this using a bot. Host events. You can also stream YouTube videos, and listen to music with bots too, which can be fantastic for live voice channel events!

6. Discord

Discord provides another set of listings for the coolest bots out there. When I first visited their site, I wasn’t sure what to search for, as I was just looking for a general-purpose bot with a variety of commands spanning different genres and categories. Therefore, I just clicked on the button underneath the search bar and the site showcased some of their more popular bots. If you’re hoping to find some general-purpose bots, I’d recommend you try this out as well! This site features a great dark scheme, similar to Night Mode on other websites!

Discord Bot Listings and Their Advantages

7. Discord Bot Directory

I would highly recommend the Discord Bot Directory also. They have a continual stream of new bots being added daily, so you’re sure to find the latest and newest bots out there. It’s great to support up-and-coming bot developers on their journey too, as they could really be helped with some extra support from others to help try out their bot and provide feedback. This site also has a certification system to certify that the bots can be trusted, and so their “identity” can be trusted so to speak. This is always great to have too!

8. Try Searching for Bot-specific Servers Too!

You can also find bots by joining bot-specific servers too. But how does one find these servers? Well, this is possible by searching for bot-specific servers on Discord server listings. Joining a server can be great, because you can try out the bots in real-time, see their commands, and see if the bot is suited to your server. This can all be done before you actually invite the bot to your server itself, so it can be quite useful in that regard.

9. Disforge

Disforge primarily specialises in showcasing Discord servers and providing listings for those, but luckily enough, they also have listings for bots too! You can filter these by category, in accordance with the type of bot that you’ll need to add to your server. For example, this category showcases the best and most popular music bots. Each of the bots get their own dedicated page, which contains a description of the bot as well as other relevant information, such as how many servers it’s in, its prefix (you can thus check if there is already a bot with the same prefix in your server, although many bots’ prefix’s can be changed too!) and other metadata.

Thanks for Reading!

Bot listings are a fantastic way to help you discover some new bots to enhance your server experience. From helping you moderate your server to keeping your server active (I’ve written an article on this; feel free to check it out), bots can truly enhance your experience on Discord. Hopefully, you’ve found some bot listings to check out from this article! If you have any comments or suggestions for other bot listings, make sure to let me know, as I love reading your comments! This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

8 Best Discord Bot Lists You Should Check Out - 178 Best Discord Bot Lists You Should Check Out - 12