It is important to set the correct timezone on your Linux system, as this ensures that the system clock is displaying the correct local time. If the timezone is not set correctly, the system clock may be off for several hours, which can cause issues with scheduling tasks, logs, and other applications. In this article, we will walk through the process of setting or changing the timezone in Linux. We will cover two methods: using the timedatectl command and directly modifying the /etc/localtime file.

Method 1: Using the timedatectl Command

The timedatectl command is a utility that allows you to view and modify the system time and timezone settings. The timedatectl command is available on most modern Linux distributions, including CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu, and Debian. To view the current timezone setting, use the following command: The output will look something like this: The Time zone line shows the current timezone setting. To change the timezone, use the following command: Replace timezone with the desired timezone. For example, to set the timezone to Asia/Tokyo, use the following command: This will update the /etc/localtime file and set the timezone to Asia/Tokyo.

Method 2: Modifying the /etc/localtime File

Another way to set or change the timezone in Linux is to directly modify the /etc/localtime file. As mentioned earlier, the /etc/localtime file is a symlink to a file in the /usr/share/zoneinfo directory that contains the timezone information. By modifying the /etc/localtime file, you can change the timezone setting on the system. To view the current timezone setting, use the following command: The output will look something like this: The /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York file is the current timezone setting. To change the timezone, you can use the ln command to create a new symlink to a different timezone file in the /usr/share/zoneinfo directory. For example, to set the timezone to Asia/Tokyo, use the following command: This will update the /etc/localtime file and set the timezone to Asia/Tokyo. Note that you will need to have root privileges to modify the /etc/localtime file. You can use the sudo command to execute the ln command as the root user. I hope this helps you understand how to set or change the timezone in Linux using the /etc/localtime file. You can use the ls -l /usr/share/zoneinfo command to view a list of available timezone files in the /usr/share/zoneinfo directory. Simply replace Asia/Tokyo with the desired timezone file in the ln command to set the timezone to the desired value.


In conclusion, setting or changing the timezone in Linux is an important task that ensures the system clock is displaying the correct local time. There are two methods for setting or changing the timezone in Linux: using the timedatectl command and directly modifying the /etc/localtime file. The timedatectl command is a utility that allows you to view and modify the system time and timezone settings. To change the timezone using timedatectl, use the set-timezone option followed by the desired timezone. Alternatively, you can change the timezone by modifying the /etc/localtime file, which is a symlink to a file in the /usr/share/zoneinfo directory that contains the timezone information. To change the timezone using this method, use the ln command to create a new symlink to the desired timezone file in the /usr/share/zoneinfo directory. By following these steps, you can set or change the timezone in Linux and ensure that the system clock is displaying the correct local time.